Beyond a Construction Site, Ljubljana 2010

With opening the construction site at Resljeva street, which is closed since many years, we are testing and presenting potentials of degraded urban areas as well possibilities to redefine them with temporary and collaborative interventions. In close collaboration with people living around the area and other interested people we are transforming the site into a hybrid communal space, dedicated to gardens, socializing, play, education, culture and art, and last but not least, to experimenting with spatial practices and politics.


Initiator: Kud Obrat – Stefan Doepner, Urška Jurman, Polonca Lovšin, Apolonija Šušteršic
Partner: zavod Bunker
Site owner: Municipality of Ljubljana
Project started within Festival Mladi levi / Vrt mimo grede, August 2010, zavod Bunker.
Supported by: Municipality of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Sostenuto program.
